Heads up for the SAT’s!



Just a friendly reminder to all you people trying to get into college (and I do hope that’s most of you). The deadline for this summer’s SAT’s have already passed, but I can happily inform that you can still to a late registration through mail (before 22nd of May) or through phone or online (before 27th of May). So for all of you that missed the last date, there is still a chance to sign up for the test that is taking place on the 6th of June 2015.


The SAT is of course no stroll in the park and you will need to study a lot and plan your time to pass the test. But you shouldn’t just settle with passing the test. You’re going to make the best SAT you could dream of and be able to pick what university you want to go to without thinking about money or admission, because that’s what scholarships are for. On the subject of scholarships, there are multiple ways to look for scholarships. Through private investors, government or state scholarships and even religious scholarships. There is so much money lying around out there to be picked up by someone that really wants it, so turn on your computer and google what you can apply for, it might end up saving you tones of money making your college and university time so much more pleasant.


So summer is slowly creeping upon us and I’m very glad since I’m going to spend my summer on Gotland, Sweden and the Baltic Sea’s biggest island. I’ve never been on Gotland before but I got my eyes opened about the recent twist Gotland had with apple that you might’ve heard of. Google decided when you typed in Gotland in your map, it transferred you to Norway, some hundred kilometers north-west of the actual island. Last time I heard, Gotland was back in Sweden, though it got stuck on the way and it is now in Södetälje, a Swedish city just south of Stockholm. So maybe in a while google will get its needle right and end up on the island itself. But do google Gotland and you’ll get your mind blown away! Until next time, take care people!