Avoiding Graduate Blues


Finishing University is a time for celebrating, going out with friends and making the most of last few days of what is a truly memorable experience. However, once the last drinks drunk, the last hungover conquered and you are sitting at the train station heading back home, the reality may

Travelling with friends

Travelling with friends

Travelling alone, has become increasingly popular over the years, especially for students and young adults. Which is obvious, as travelling alone helps you develop certain skills, like being independent, and gives you a getaway from a student’s hectic life. However, despite all this, travelling alone cannot really compare to travelling

What to do when in the Mediterranean

Mediterranean Beaches

  The Mediterranean, and the countries that make form part of it, are all absolutely gorgeous, whether travelling to a popular city, or a remote island. The list of activities to take part in, is never ending however, personally I believe some activities beat others. There is something for everyone,

An Introduction to Mediterranean Cuisine

Mediterranean Food

The Mediterranean cuisine, although the concept it relatively new, it nevertheless, has a vast history, and is becoming increasingly popular all around the world. Mediterranean cuisine, unlike other traditional cuisines, doesn’t only refer to one country, culture or ethnicity however, refers to the region of countries one can find in

Visiting a different continent

Many people get tired of living the same mundane life, and constantly seeing and experiencing the same things, and desire to do more with their life, to gain the most out of it. Taking a faraway destination trip, to a different continent even, could be the answer to achieve this.

The History of Pizza

  Pizza did not originate in the country for which it now famous. Yes, Iike many people, I always thought that Pizza originated in Italy. The origin of the word pizza is debatable. It is Italian for ‘pie’ and may have come from Latin ‘pitch’ or Greek ‘pitta’. However, the

The Joys of Summer Vacation

  The warm season is approaching faster than we thought. So, I suggest you start planning now for the holiday of your dreams. More and more health experts are encouraging people to make the most out of their vacation days to go somewhere new, lie on a beach, learn how

Awesome Budget Travel Tips

With peak travel season around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning your vacation. Planning ahead means reducing any unnecessary expenses while increasing opportunities. If you would like to travel more often without going over your budget I suggest you continue reading. No matter where you’re going,

Wine Tasting in Tuscany

Raise your hand if you are a wine lover. Learning about wine is like learning about space: once your start, there’s no end in sight. Learning about wine is an exhilarating experience, full of new tastes, new regions and meeting people with similar interests. Wine tastings are the ideal events