Visiting a different continent

Many people get tired of living the same mundane life, and constantly seeing and experiencing the same things, and desire to do more with their life, to gain the most out of it. Taking a faraway destination trip, to a different continent even, could be the answer to achieve this.

Interested to learn more about Dining Etiquette?

Some people claim that etiquette is no longer important, that the rules for good behaviour are old- fashioned and outdated. But on the other hand there are a lot of people who believe that good behaviour and manners never go out of style. Etiquette, just like any other cultural norms,

The Joys of Summer Vacation

  The warm season is approaching faster than we thought. So, I suggest you start planning now for the holiday of your dreams. More and more health experts are encouraging people to make the most out of their vacation days to go somewhere new, lie on a beach, learn how

Choosing the right career

If you take a look of the people close to you, you will immediately realise that the traditional three- step career plan no longer applies. It is clear that graduating college, getting a job and getting promoted at the same company plan is outdated. Today people change their job titles,

How to succeed in life?

No matter how old you are, your gender, your nationality or what you do for a living, as humans we all share one thing in common – desire to succeed. Success is a subjective notion. Success means different things to different people. We don’t all want success with the exact